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Product Name:Hyrunner Hydrogen Car
Product Type:Hydrogen Products
Product Model:SE-7341
Applications:University of New Energy Laboratory
Uses Distilled Water as a Hydrogen Source
Top Speed of 20 cm/s
Ready to Drive in Minutes

The hydrogen fuel cell is an amazing device that combines hydrogen with oxygen to produce water and energy. Hydrogen fuel cells boast an efficiency that is roughly twice that of internal combustion engines.

How it Works
Place distilled water into the two storagetanks to force any air out of the gas collectionchambers.
Next, plug the included power supplyinto the hydrogen fuel cell. Using theenergy from the power supply, the water in the storage tanks is electrolyzed, creating both hydrogen and oxygen gas.
The hydrogen and oxygen accumulate in their respective tanks. Since there are two hydrogen atoms for each oxygen atom in a water molecule, twice as much hydrogen gas is collected. The hydrogen gas collection tank will fill completely in about two minutes.
Disconnect the power supply and the