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Product Name:XYZ piezoelectric stages
Product Type:Piezoelectric Platform
Product Model:XYZ Series
Applications:Laser Manufacturing,Diode & Fiber Laser Processing System,CO2Laser Processing System
The piezoelectric stage XYZ200M has a stroke of 200 μm along the X, Y and Z axis and is able
to bear a high load up to 3 kg. Applications include Confocal microscopy, mask positioning and inspection. This stage is based on APA200M and shows a high stiffness. The stage can be equipped with Strain Gauges or Eddy Current sensors (ECS option) for a very fine accuracy up to 10nm. Parasitic rotations (along X, Y and Z rotation) are very limited. The moving frame can be custom designed (attachment points, holes...). This mechanism requires the Push-pull option on the first two channels of the driver.