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CI-6871G Data Collection & Analysis Software
Product Name:LRC Circuit Experiment(EX-9915)
Product Type:Electromagnetism
Product Model:Model: EX-9915
Applications:Universit Physics Laboratory,Primary and Secondary Digital Lab

The response of a series LRC circuit is examined at driving frequencies above, below and at the resonant frequency.

First, a square wave voltage is applied to an LC circuit and the period of oscillation of the voltage across the capacitor is measured and compared to the theoretical value. Then, 3 AC circuits are examined: A sinusoidal voltage is applied individually to a resistor, a capacitor and an inductor. The amplitude of the current and the phase difference between the applied voltage and the current are measured in each of the 3 circuits to see the effect each component has on the current. Finally, a sinusoidal voltage is applied to an inductor, resistor and capacitor in series. The amplitude of the current and the phase difference between the applied voltage and the current are measured and compared to theory.

PASCO Advantage:
The ScienceWorkshop 750 interface with DataStudio serves as both signal generator and 5-channel storage oscilloscope. The phase differences between the source voltage, current and the voltages across the inductor, resistor and capacitor can be viewed simultaneously.