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Product Name:TLB-6700 Laser Controller
Product Type:Laser Controller
Product Model:TLB-6700


  • Higher current - 200mA now standard
  • Lower noise < 250 nA RMA w2ith 200 mA current
  • Wavelength monitoring of Velocity TM laser head
  • Complete tuning control - set a wavelength range for multiple scans
  • USB Interface

The 6700 Laser controller has been engineered with direct feedback from our customers. We’ve increased the current to allow higher power from our lasers yet reduced the noise even further for sharper linewidths and better results.

The 6700 controller monitors the Velocity laser's current, temperature, and wavelength. Each head has optimized factory settings. The 6700 controller will read the laser's optimum settings and automatically limit the current and scan ranges to protect the laser diode cavity.

Operation is simple. Either from the front panel or via the USB GUI, the user can just dial up and set the desired wavelength and power. Min and max wavelengths points can be entered, and the Velocity can be set to scan back and forth between them.