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Product Name:Wireless Automatic Weather Station
Product Type:Weather Station
Product Model:Vantage Vue
Applications:Atmospheric Testing
The Vantage Vue (#6250) wireless weather station includes two components: the Sensor Suite (#6357) which houses and manages the external sensor array, and the console (#6351) which provides the user interface, data display, and calculations. The Vantage Vue sensor suite and console communicate via an FCC‐certified, license‐free frequencyhopping transmitter and receiver. Frequency‐hopping spread‐spectrum (FHSS) technology provides greater communication strength over longer distances and areas of weaker reception. User‐selectable transmitter ID codes allow up to eight stations to coexist in the same geographic area. (The Vantage Vue console can also receive and display data from any Vantage Pro2™ or Vantage Pro2 Plus sensor suite. The Vantage Pro2 Plus includes two additional sensors: the UV sensor and the solar radiation sensor.) The console may be powered by batteries or by the included ACpower adapter. The wireless sensor suite is solar‐powered with a battery backup. Use WeatherLink Live™ or WeatherLink® data loggers to let your weather station interface with a computer, to log weather data, and upload
weather information to the internet.