Photron enhances the non-Newtonian fluid research working with μPIV system
2020-3-31  Views:3805

     The research of non-Newtonian fluid is one of the hot topics in material science nowadays. Using Micro-particle image velocimetry (μPIV) system to visualize the fluid flow by low concentration of fluorescent micro-particles and obtain quantitative information of the flow velocity, which is the convention measurement on studying flow dynamics of fluid. However, it is not enough to illustrate the detail of the phenomenon. Photron high speed polarization camera system can visualize the flow-induced birefringence (FIB), which can reveal the stress concentration of fluid. It can provide more information on the behavior of different non-Newtonian fluids. In this paper, the behavior of different concentration of Wormlike Micellar (WLM) solutions is observed.